Terms & Conditions


Sacred Seeds (“the Company”) provides information, products, and services related to cannabis seeds. The content provided by the Company, including on our website, social media, and other communication channels, is intended for entertainment, informational and educational purposes only.

The Company does not endorse, support, or advocate for the germination of seeds or the cultivation of cannabis in Australia. The germination of cannabis seeds and the cultivation of cannabis plants may be illegal in your jurisdiction. The Company strongly advises against any such activities where they are against the law.


The Company sells cannabis seeds as collectable adult genetic preservation souvenirs and for the purpose of strain preservation for future generations. We expressly point out that all those who purchase our seeds are responsible for their actions in the future. The Company will accept no responsibility in this respect.

The Company does not offer any legal advice, and information provided should not be used as such. We recommend that all our customers check their local laws and regulations before engaging in any activity related to our products. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to act in accordance with their local laws and regulations.

By using our services, you agree to abide by this disclaimer and accept full responsibility for your actions. If you do not agree with these terms, you are requested to leave this website and refrain from using our services. Participation on our site is only allowed for individuals over the age of 18.

Please note that prices, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice.

Exclusion of Warranty & Limitation of Liability

The seller shall not be held liable for any losses or damages resulting from any cause, including but not limited to negligence, breach of contract, breach of warranty, or alleged defective seeds, whether discoverable or latent. Our liability to the buyer shall not exceed the purchase price of the products in question. We shall not be held responsible for any incidental or consequential damages, including loss of profits.

In the event that the fulfilment of any order or contract is prevented or delayed due to acts of God, war, blockade, revolution, government action to restrict energy or any other essential growing and harvesting components, prohibition of exports or imports, riots, strikes, lockouts, fires, and/or detention at sea, we shall not be held responsible for any resulting loss or damages.

See our Privacy Policy. 

See our payment, shipping & delivery information.

Prohibition of Verbal Abuse


1. Overview

This section of the Terms and Conditions outlines our strict policy against verbal abuse on our website and all associated communication channels. We are committed to maintaining a respectful, safe, and inclusive environment for all users and staff. This policy applies to all forms of communication associated with the website, including but not limited to, user-generated content, forums, chat rooms, and any direct or indirect interactions within our platform.

2. Definition of Verbal Abuse

Verbal abuse includes, but is not limited to, the use of language that is discriminatory, threatening, excessively offensive, harassing, or incites violence. This encompasses:

  • Hate speech or discriminatory remarks based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, disability, or any other protected characteristic.
  • Threats of harm or violence towards individuals or groups.
  • Harassment, bullying, or any form of intimidating language.
  • Profanity or obscenities directed at individuals or groups in a demeaning or aggressive manner.

3. Reporting Mechanism

Users are encouraged to report instances of verbal abuse to our moderation team promptly. Reports can be made through [email to [email protected]]. All reports will be reviewed, and appropriate actions will be taken, which may include mediation, temporary suspension, or permanent banning from the website.

4. Consequences of Verbal Abuse

Engaging in verbal abuse may lead to a range of consequences depending on the severity and frequency of the offense. These include, but are not limited to:

  • A warning and temporary suspension of account privileges.
  • Permanent banning from the website and its associated services.
  • Legal action in cases where the abuse constitutes a criminal offense.

5. Responsibility and Liability

While Sacred Seeds endeavours to monitor and moderate content, we cannot be present at all times or catch every instance of abuse. Therefore, users are expected to adhere to these guidelines and report violations. Users engaging in verbal abuse are responsible for their actions and may be held liable for any harm resulting from their behavior.

6. Amendments to the Policy

[Your Website Name] reserves the right to amend this policy at any time. All changes will be communicated through the website, and continued use of the site after such changes will constitute acceptance of the new terms.

See our Privacy Policy. 

See our payment, shipping & delivery information.