Master the Paper Towel Method for Seed Germination

Master the Paper Towel Method for Seed Germination

Please note that if you are in a country, state, or area where cannabis cultivation is legal, we recommend using the following cannabis seed germination method. We write this article specifically for those in the ACT or overseas. We do not support or endorse the germination of cannabis seeds and sell seeds strictly as souvenirs or collectable items.

This method is also great for all heirloom herb seeds or blue lotus seeds.

This technique delivers higher germination rates, allows for effortless monitoring, and is space-efficient. Our guide not only walks you through how to implement this method for cannabis seeds but also reveals its benefits for a wider range of seeds, complete with troubleshooting tips.

Key Takeaways

  • The paper towel method is a widely used germination technique for cannabis seeds due to its ability to provide consistent moisture and temperature, resulting in higher and faster germination rates.
  • This method allows for clear visibility and easy monitoring of germination, helping gardeners pick the healthiest seedlings for soil transfer, and it is highly space-efficient, perfect for areas with limited space.
  • Although especially effective for cannabis, the paper towel method can also be applied to a variety of other seeds such as vegetables, herbs, and flowers, making it a versatile choice for different types of gardeners.


Why has the paper towel method become such a go-to for germinating seeds, especially cannabis seeds?

The answer lies in three key advantages: improved germination rates, enhanced visibility and control over the germination process, and the superior space efficiency it offers.


Improved Germination rates and speed

The paper towel method creates an ideal environment for seed germination, fostering successful growth and development. Placing seeds between moist paper towels in a warm location aids in maintaining steady moisture and temperature levels. These conditions are ideal for encouraging seeds to sprout, often leading to higher germination rates compared to planting seeds directly in soil.

Moreover, the regulated heat and moisture conditions inside a plastic baggie can expedite the germination process, often leading to sprouting within a few days. This rapid germination is particularly beneficial for vegetable seeds that traditionally have longer germination times, such as cannabis seeds, asparagus and chili pepper seeds.

Easy Monitoring

The paper towel method offers the following advantages:

  • Improved visibility and control over the germination process
  • Transparent sandwich bags allow for clear observation of the seeds
  • Helps identify and discard any seeds that do not germinate, saving time and resources.

Plus, it also enables gardeners to identify and choose the most vigorous seedlings for transferring to soil using seed starting trays, ensuring they are planted just above the soil line.


Space Efficiency

For gardeners with limited space, the paper towel method is a game-changer. Using paper towels offers the following benefits:

  • Takes up very little space compared to traditional seed trays or pots
  • Can fit a good 15 or more seeds per bag, maximising usage of available space
  • Provides efficiency at its best

Step-by-Step Guide to the Paper Towel Method


The image above is useful, but swap the plates for a jiffy bag/ re-sealable sandwich bag.

Let’s proceed to a step-by-step guide. You’ll go from preparing seeds and materials all the way to monitoring and transplanting.

Moistening the Paper Towel

With your seeds prepared, the next step involves readying the paper towel. Properly dampening the paper towel is critical for optimal seed germination, as it provides the necessary moisture for seeds without oversaturation. You can lightly dampen the paper towel, ensuring it is moist throughout without accumulating excess water.

Avoid soaking the paper towel, as overly wet conditions can lead to seed rot and hamper germination. Only use distilled, spring, rain or filtered water! Town/ Tap water can kill seeds.

Placing Seeds and Folding

Next, we’ll discuss how to properly place your seeds when starting seeds. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Place the seeds on the top half of a damp paper towel.
  2. Leave about an inch of space between each seed to allow room for growth.
  3. After placing the seeds, fold the paper towel.

The folded paper towel with seeds should then be placed inside a Ziploc bag to maintain essential moisture for germination, simulating a mini greenhouse effect.

Finding the Ideal Location

But where should you place the bag? For optimal germination conditions, bags with paper towels and seeds should be placed in warm household areas, with good heat and humidity levels, like a south-facing window, bathroom, or laundry room. A Ziploc bag with a moist paper towel can create a mini greenhouse effect, which is crucial for maintaining the necessary moisture for seed growth.

Using a seedling heat mat under the seeds ensures a consistently warm germination environment, leading to a faster sprouting process. Some people put them on top of the fridge.

Monitoring and Transplanting

Monitoring and transplanting constitute the final step in the process. Daily monitoring of the seeds is required to check for emergence of a small white root and to ensure that the paper towel remains moist.

Once the radicle, which is the embryonic root, reaches an cm or two in length, it is the ideal time to transplant the germinated seed to soil. Handle the delicate seedling by the seed coat with tweezers or a gentle grip to avoid damage during transplantation.

Just to state the obvious: THE ROOT/ RADICLE GOES DOWN into the soil.

Pro tip!

If you are germinating several different varieties or strains, you can split the paper towel into sections using a pen, and clearly label each section.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite its apparent simplicity, the paper towel method can occasionally pose a few challenges. Let’s troubleshoot some common issues that may arise when you’re germinating seeds using this method.

Non-Germinating Seeds

Regardless of your best efforts, some seeds may fail to germinate. This can be due to several factors such as:

  • The paper towel being either too wet, which can lead to rot
  • The paper towel being too dry, failing to provide consistent moisture necessary for germination
  • A lack of oxygen when seeds are sealed in a bag for several days using the paper towel method, which can inhibit germination.
  • Toxic water (town water contains chlorine, fluoride and other chemicals).

Older seeds may also fail to germinate effectively due to decreased viability over time, particularly after the first couple of years and even within a few weeks of being germinated. This is why it’s important to consider other seeds as alternatives when planting, ensuring that seeds germinate successfully.

Root Growth in Paper Towels

Roots embedding into the paper towel is another frequent issue. To avoid this, it’s recommended to transfer the germinated seed to soil or another growing medium before the roots grow too long. Coffee filters are also recommended for the paper towel method to keep roots from growing into the fibers.

And if roots do become enmeshed in the paper, don’t panic. To transplant the cutting, simply trim around the base and place it in a pot along with the paper. This method allows for easy transfer and ensures successful growth.


🪖Helmet Head – Seedling Shell Stuck

Finally, you may observe a seedling shell adhering to the newly sprouted seedling, a condition commonly known as ‘helmet head’.

The seed coat will naturally detach when the first leaves, or cotyledons, emerge, so premature removal is not advised.

If it’s been a while and the shell is still stuck, you can gently soak just the seed coat in warm water to facilitate its removal without damaging the seedling.


In summary, the paper towel method for germinating cannabis seeds offers a host of benefits, from improved germination rates to easy monitoring and space efficiency.

It works well with various seeds, particularly those with longer germination times. By following the step-by-step guide and noting the troubleshooting tips, you can master this method and kickstart your gardening journey with ease and confidence.

Here is the technique again:

Step 1. Place the seeds in a cup of water to soak and leave them in a dark place for 6-12 hours. Ensure water temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Step 2. Remove the seeds and place them on a hard plate 2cm apart from each other between two paper towels lightly dampened with water. Place another hard plate over the top to create a dome. Place in a warm dark place and ensure that the paper towels remain lightly moist.

Step 3. Seeds usually will germinate after 2-3 days, but can take up to a week so be patient. When the tap root emerges, it is time to plant the seed in a suitable growing medium.

Step 4. Be careful when transferring your seed as we recommend using tweezers. If using soil,  place your seed gently into a 0.5 to 1 cm hole in the center of your growing medium. You will want the taproot facing down. Ensure your growing medium is kept wet and you should see a seedling within 2-5 days.

Important: Do not plant seeds directly in the ground or soil. In order to properly germinate, the plants need oxygen. Planting directly in the ground or soil may cause the seeds to rot before germination.



Frequently Asked Questions


Should I plant seeds directly in the soil?

No, Planting directly in the ground or soil may cause the seeds to rot before germination.

Can I use the paper towel method for any kind of seeds?

Yes, you can use the paper towel method for various seeds, including vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers, especially those with longer germination times. Try it out with different seeds and see how it works for you!

What’s the ideal location for germinating seeds using the paper towel method?

The ideal location for germinating seeds using paper towels is a warm area with good heat and humidity levels, such as a south-facing window, bathroom, or laundry room. This environment will promote successful germination. You want a nice warm spot, but not too much direct sun.

My seeds are not germinating. What could be the problem?

Your seeds may not be germinating due to factors such as excessive moisture, inadequate oxygen, or their age.

The roots are growing into the paper towel. What should I do?

It’s best to carefully cut around the roots and plant the whole thing in a pot, including the paper. In the future, consider using a coffee filter to prevent this from happening.

The seedling shell is stuck on the newly emerged seedling. How can I remove it?

You can soak the seed coat in warm water to help remove it without harming the seedling. Be gentle!

Cannabis For Sleep: The Pros and Cons

Cannabis For Sleep: The Pros and Cons


Can cannabis improve your sleep?

The short answer is YES. But it’s worth digging deeper.

This guide examines the effects of THC and CBD on sleep, the efficacy of different strains, consumption methods, and the best strains for the night. Whether you’re curious about how cannabis sleep aids might benefit you or cautious of potential risks, you’ll find the insights you need.


Key Takeaways


  • Cannabis contains cannabinoids like THC and CBD, which can affect sleep by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system, potentially altering sleep architecture and influencing disorders such as insomnia, sleep apnea, and restless legs syndrome.

  • Different methods of cannabis consumption (smoking, vaporizing, edibles, and tinctures) have varying onset times and effects on sleep, while strain types (indica, sativa, hybrid) are also significant in determining the impact on sleep quality.

  • While some individuals have reported improved sleep quality when using cannabis as a sleep aid, concerns remain about potential dependency, disruption of normal sleep patterns, and negative interactions with other medications, highlighting the need for more comprehensive research and personalized approaches.

Understanding Sleep Disorders and the Need for Aid

Illustration of a person struggling to sleep

Sleep disorders are a widespread issue that affects millions of people worldwide. In America alone, more than 50 million people suffer from chronic sleep disorders, with similar prevalence rates reported in other parts of the world. Sleep-wake disorders can be associated with medical conditions or other mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.

With such staggering numbers, it’s clear that effective sleep aids are needed to improve mental and physical health by enhancing the quality of sleep and overall well-being.



Insomnia, a prevalent sleep disorder, is characterized by:

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep

  • These sleep issues occur at least three nights a week for no less than three months

  • Significantly impacting the quality of life.

With chronic pain and posttraumatic stress disorder often exacerbating poor sleep and chronic insomnia, finding effective sleep medicine, sleep aids, and pain relief is crucial.


Obstructive Sleep Apnea


Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by repeated interruptions in breathing during sleep, leading to excessive daytime sleepiness. This disorder is more frequently diagnosed in men, older adults, and certain racial and ethnic groups, highlighting the need for effective sleep aids tailored to these demographics.

Restless Legs Syndrome


Restless Legs Syndrome, recognized as a sleep-wake disorder, can disrupt sleep and impact overall well-being. An effective sleep aid could significantly less insomnia medications improve the quality of life for individuals affected by this disorder.

The Science Behind Cannabis and Sleep


Illustration of cannabis components interacting with cannabinoid receptors

Unveiling the science behind how cannabis affects us and sleep brings us to THC and CBD, the main components of the cannabis plant that influence sleep. THC typically acts as a sedative, while CBD can influence alertness or sleepiness depending on the dosage. These cannabinoids promote sleep by binding to cannabinoid receptors, increasing adenosine levels. This process can suppress the brain’s arousal systems, potentially enhancing the duration of NREM sleep while reducing the amount of REM sleep.

Interestingly, the method of cannabis consumption can influence the effectiveness of THC as a sleep aid. This is due to the differing rates of bioavailability; for instance, inhaled THC has a higher bioavailability compared to orally ingested forms found in edibles. This leads us to the exploration of cannabis consumption methods and their impact on sleep.


THC and Sleep


THC, one of the cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, has a significant impact on sleep. It interacts with cannabinoid receptors, leading to increased levels of the sleep-promoting chemical adenosine and suppressing the brain’s arousal systems. These interactions can impact sleep architecture, potentially lengthening the duration of NREM sleep and reducing time in REM sleep.

However, the effectiveness of THC on sleep is influenced by the method of consumption. For instance, vaporizing cannabis with low doses of THC increases non-REM sleep during the light phase, although these effects may only last for the first hour after consumption. Furthermore, vaporizing cannabis can cause reductions in the power of high-frequency brain waves during wakefulness and REM sleep, suggesting subtle impacts on cognitive processing.


CBD and Sleep


The other key component of the cannabis plant, CBD, holds varying effects on sleep depending on the dosage. Here are some key points to note about CBD and sleep:

  • At lower doses, CBD may increase alertness

  • At higher doses, CBD has the potential to promote sleep

  • CBD can be beneficial in reducing symptoms of REM sleep behavior disorder

  • CBD may help alleviate daytime sleepiness

Understanding how these cannabis components interact with other sleep disorders is crucial, but it’s equally important to recognize the impact of different methods of cannabis consumption on sleep.

Cannabis Consumption Methods and Their Impact on Sleep


girl, sleep, rose

Distinct methods of cannabis consumption can result in varying effects on sleep. Smoking or vaporizing cannabis typically leads to quicker onset of sleep due to faster absorption and immediate effects. On the other hand, cannabis edibles take longer to induce sleep due to delayed absorption through the digestive system.

Despite the time differences in onset, both methods can significantly impact sleep quality, with some users reporting more restful sleep while others experience disturbances.


Smoking and Vaporizing


Smoking and vaporizing cannabis provide rapid effects due to the high bioavailability of inhaled cannabis. A significant proportion of the THC content is absorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in faster sleep onset. The effects of THC from inhaled cannabis typically peak around 10 minutes post-inhalation, illustrating the method’s rapid onset of action.

This quick absorption allows individuals to fall asleep faster, potentially improving good night’s sleep quality.


Edibles and Tinctures


In contrast to smoking and vaporizing, edibles and tinctures have a slower onset due to the digestive processes involved. When cannabis is ingested as edibles, only 4% to 20% of THC is absorbed, resulting in lower bioavailability compared to smoked cannabis. This high variability in how edibles can affect sleep is due to differences in individual digestive system processing and the bioavailability of THC.

Despite their slower onset, edibles and tinctures can lead to longer sleep duration compared to inhalation methods.


Strains Matter: How Different Types of Cannabis Affect Sleep

Illustration of different cannabis strains with contrasting effects

Beyond the components and consumption methods, the type of cannabis strain also plays a crucial role in affecting sleep. The main terms used when discussing cannabis strains for sleep are indica, sativa, and hybrid, each associated with distinct effects on sleep.

Indica Strains


Indica strains are commonly associated with a calming effect, which can contribute to relaxation and potentially improve sleep quality. Due to their sedative effect, indica strains are often preferred for pain management and inducing sleepiness in individuals seeking natural sleep aids. However, the effects can vary significantly among individuals, underscoring the need for personalized approaches to using cannabis as a sleep aid.

Sativa Strains

Sativa strains, on the other hand, are known for their ‘head high’ effects, characterized by uplifting and euphoric feelings that can enhance creativity and energy. Due to their high THC content, sativa strains can disrupt sleep patterns and inhibit deep sleep. Some cannabis users may experience an increase in anxiety and paranoia with sativa strains, further interfering with sleep.

However, certain sativa strains with specific terpenes or minor cannabinoids may still provide some sleep aid benefits, particularly for individuals without anxiety.

Hybrid Strains

Hybrid strains, as the name suggests, offer a mix of indica and sativa traits, aiming to provide a balance between the effects of both. These strains are bred to achieve specific effects that may be physical, cerebral, or a combination of both. Users report that hybrid strains can provide a balance of sedative and uplifting effects, beneficial for sleep. Some popular hybrid strains include:

1: Zkittles

2: Gorrilla Glue

3: Auto White Widow

4: Northern Lights

However, the effects on sleep can vary widely depending on the dominant strain traits and the individual’s response. Some hybrid strains are reported to help with sleep due to their ability to induce relaxation without excessive drowsiness.

Potential Benefits of Cannabis as a Sleep Aid

Cannabis, particularly THC, can provide significant benefits as a sleep aid. It has sedative effects that can expedite sleep onset and increase sleep quality, benefiting those with chronic pain, PTSD, and multiple sclerosis. THC has been shown to reduce the time spent in REM sleep, which can be particularly advantageous for PTSD patients by decreasing the frequency of nightmares.

In a study at Hybrid Pharm, 39% of patients with sleep disorders who used medical cannabis were able to decrease or stop using their prescription sleep medications. Additionally, 71% of the patients studied reported subjective improvements in sleep quality after initiating medical cannabis use. These findings underscore the potential benefits of cannabis as a sleep aid.

Drawbacks and Risks of Using Cannabis for Sleep

While cannabis can provide notable benefits for sleep, it’s crucial to acknowledge the potential drawbacks and risks associated with its use. If taken in high doses at night, THC may lead to drowsiness and impaired memory the next day. It is important to be mindful of the potential effects when consuming THC in high amounts in the evening. Regular users of cannabis typically report more sleep disturbances, and a significant percentage of adults experience difficulty sleeping during attempts to discontinue cannabis use, which can contribute to dependency.

Furthermore, the effects of cannabis on sleep patterns have been studied extensively. Frequent, long-term use may result in less overall sleep, diminished time in deep sleep, longer sleep onset, and more frequent awakenings. Withdrawal from cannabis can lead to anxiety, restlessness, tremor, and significant insomnia, with disturbed sleep and vivid dreams persisting for weeks, often worsening anxiety, mood, and contributing to suicidal ideation.

Interactions with Other Medications and Treatments

Cannabis can interact with a variety of medications, leading to potentially dangerous side effects. These include interactions with:

  • Sedatives

  • Anti-anxiety medications

  • Antidepressants

  • Pain medications

  • Anticonvulsants

  • Anticoagulants

Pharmacists, particularly those in San Diego, are actively involved in educating the public on the risks of combining cannabis with prescription medications and are committed to supporting patients with cannabis-based therapy management.

Moreover, substances and medications that may interact negatively with medical cannabis include:

  • Benzodiazepines

  • Certain antidepressants

  • Opioids

  • Antipsychotics

  • Some antihistamines

  • St. John’s wort

  • Kava

Furthermore, CBD in medical cannabis may inhibit the hepatic enzyme CYP2C19, resulting in delayed breakdown and potential adverse effects of various other medications metabolized by this enzyme.


Alternative Therapies and Approaches to Improve Sleep


While cannabis can serve as an effective sleep aid for some, it’s important to consider alternative therapies for those who may not want to use cannabis or those for whom cannabis may not be effective. These alternatives can include meditation and mindfulness, which can improve sleep by reducing muscle tension and quieting the mind while enhancing melatonin levels.

Regular low-to-moderate intensity exercise, including activities like tai chi and yoga, can also enhance sleep quality. Acupuncture, a practice from traditional Chinese medicine, may improve sleep quality. Sleep hypnosis by a health professional can lead to behavioral changes conducive to better sleep. Herbal remedies like valerian root and chamomile have been traditionally used for treating insomnia, though their efficacy requires more evidence.

Light therapy and consistent exercise regimes are nonpharmacological approaches with efficacy in managing insomnia.


Clinical Research and Future Developments in Cannabis Sleep Aids


Current research on cannabis for sleep is limited, with promising initial results but a need for larger and longer-term clinical trials to establish its efficacy and safety. To date, there is only one randomized controlled trial conducted on healthy patients with insomnia, contributing to the dearth of strong evidence for cannabinoid use as sleep aids. A comprehensive review aimed at updating the current literature found little convincing evidence for significant improvements in sleep disorders with cannabis products.

Despite the limited data, the potential of cannabis products for treating conditions such as sleep apnea has been recognized, alongside calls for larger and longer-term trials to adequately evaluate these effects. As such, the future of cannabis as a sleep aid holds promise, but also requires rigorous scientific investigation to ensure its safety and efficacy.




Cannabis holds potential as a sleep aid, with THC and CBD playing key roles in influencing sleep. Various consumption methods and cannabis strains can impact sleep onset, duration, and quality. While there are potential benefits, it’s crucial to consider the drawbacks, potential dependency, and interactions with other medications. Alternative therapies offer additional options for improving sleep. While current research shows promise, more comprehensive studies are needed to fully understand the efficacy and safety of cannabis as a sleep aid.


Frequently Asked Questions



What type of cannabis is best for sleep?


For better sleep, it’s best to use indica cannabis, which is known for its calming effects and ability to promote relaxation and sleep. Sativa, on the other hand, is more stimulating and often used for an energy boost.

What is the effect of THC on sleep?


THC can promote sleep by increasing adenosine levels and altering sleep stages, potentially increasing NREM sleep and reducing REM sleep


What are the potential benefits of cannabis as a sleep aid?


Cannabis, especially THC, can offer significant benefits as a sleep aid by promoting sleep onset and improving sleep quality, which can be particularly helpful for individuals with chronic pain, PTSD, or multiple sclerosis.


What are the potential drawbacks and risks of using cannabis for sleep?

Using cannabis for sleep may lead to drowsiness and impaired memory the next day due to high THC doses. Additionally, regular use of cannabis can result in more sleep disturbances and difficulty sleeping when trying to stop, potentially leading to dependency.

Northern Lights Cannabis Strain: Unveiling its Aroma, Benefits, and Unique History

Northern Lights Cannabis Strain: Unveiling its Aroma, Benefits, and Unique History

Searching for a strain that offers serenity and subtle bliss? Northern Lights cannabis is a classic indica world-renowned for its calming, tranquil effects and a sweet and spicy aroma. Ready to unpack the secrets of this beloved indica?

Key Takeaways

  • Northern Lights cannabis is an indica dominant hybrid with sweet and spicy aromas and potent THC levels, offering relaxation and euphoria ideal for evening use.

  • This strain’s therapeutic benefits are praised in the medical community, aiding in sleep, chronic pain, and stress reduction due to its sedative effects.

Exploring the Northern Lights Cannabis Strain: A World-class Cannabis Experience

northern lights feminised seeds

Northern Lights, also known as northern lights marijuana, stands out as an amazing strain among indica strains, intriguing enthusiasts with its distinctive sensory experience. This award-winning, indica dominant hybrid offers a brilliant blend of relaxation and euphoria, balancing the uplifting effects of Thai with the sedative qualities of Afghani. Its sweet, spicy, and musky flavor, coupled with its potent THC content averaging around 19%, makes it a star attraction for both recreational consumers and medical patients seeking a pure indica strain.

While sativa strains have their own unique appeal, the northern lights marijuana continues to be a popular choice for those who prefer indica dominant strains.

The enchanting effects northern lights have on both the mind and the body provide a soothing experience, making it a perfect choice for a serene evening under the stars. Its exact origin remains shrouded in mystery, adding to its allure as the northern lights remains a captivating phenomenon.

Irrespective of your familiarity with cannabis, Northern Lights promises a delightful experience.

The Storied Lineage of the Northern Lights Cannabis strain

The Northern Lights cannabis strain has a rich and somewhat mysterious history. Its origin story begins on an island near Seattle, Washington, where a grower known as “The Indian” is believed to have cultivated the original Northern Lights from Afghani landrace seeds. This grower’s meticulous efforts bore fruit in the form of 11 plants, each distinctively named Northern Lights #1-11. Of these, Northern Lights #5 and #1 emerged as the stars, boasting exceptional traits.

The plot thickens when Nevil Schoenmakers, a renowned figure in the world of cannabis breeding, stumbled upon The Indian’s work. Schoenmakers, an Australian native, is said to have transported female clones of these plants back to the Netherlands in the 1970s or early 1980s. Here, he embarked on a journey of experimentation with these unique genetics, ultimately giving birth to the globally acclaimed variety of Northern Lights around 1985.

The Northern Lights #1, marketed by Schoenmakers, was touted as a pure Afghani inbred indica. However, other variants were a result of crossbreeding with a Thai Sativa. The strain rapidly rose to fame for its potent effects and distinctive characteristics, bagging numerous cannabis cups in its wake.

Sensi Seeds and Northern Lights: A Historic Connection

Sensi Seeds, one of the oldest and most respected seed banks in the world, has played a pivotal role in the history of Northern Lights. Founded in 1985 by Ben Dronkers, Sensi Seeds has been instrumental in preserving and enhancing a wide variety of cannabis strains, including Northern Lights.

When Nevil Schoenmakers transported the female clones of Northern Lights to the Netherlands, he began working with Sensi Seeds. Together, they embarked on a mission to stabilize and enhance the Northern Lights strain. Their efforts resulted in the creation of several Northern Lights variants, which quickly gained global acclaim due to their potent effects and distinctive characteristics.

Sensi Seeds’ involvement with Northern Lights didn’t end there. They continued to perfect the strain, crossing it with other varieties to create new, unique strains. This includes the legendary Jack Herer, which is a cross between Northern Lights, Shiva Skunk, and Haze.

Thanks to Sensi Seeds’ meticulous breeding and preservation efforts, Northern Lights continues to be a staple in the cannabis community, its seeds widely available to growers worldwide.

The Sensory Profile of Northern Lights: Flavour and Aroma

Experiencing Northern Lights is akin to embarking on a journey through a galaxy of flavors and aromas. It presents a complex palate that is:

  • sweet

  • spicy

  • earthy flavor

  • with hints of pine and citrus dancing on the tongue

  • a touch of skunk adds a note of intrigue, further enhancing its unique flavor profile.

The rich terpene profile of Northern Lights is the master conductor of this symphony of flavors. Terpenes are compounds that give cannabis its distinctive smell and taste. In Northern Lights, they are responsible for its sweet, spicy, and earthy aroma and can vary depending on how the strain is grown and cured.

Therapeutic Potential: Northern Lights cannabis for Medical Patients

Northern Lights isn’t merely a standout in recreational cannabis; it also illuminates the therapeutic realm. This strain is known for its potential to alleviate physical ailments such as chronic pain conditions, including migraines and arthritis. Its soothing effects also make it a popular choice for stress reduction, promoting a calm mind and body.

The therapeutic potential of Northern Lights cannabis includes:

  • Promoting better sleep

  • Acting like a sedative to help patients achieve a peaceful night’s rest

  • Its dark green leaves and dense buds are a testament to the strain’s robust nature and therapeutic prowess.

With its relaxing effects and reputation for easing various health conditions, Northern Lights is a strain that offers more than a recreational high. It’s a beacon of hope for many medical patients, lighting the way to potential relief and relaxation.

Recreational Delight: Why Users Love Northern Lights Cannabis

Relaxing effects of Northern Lights strain

In the realm of recreational cannabis, Northern Lights outshines the majority. Its effects are a cosmic journey, starting with an uplifting and happy feeling, followed by a deep sense of relaxation and sleepiness. These effects make it a favorite strain for nighttime use, perfect for unwinding after a long day or enjoying a peaceful night under the stars.

Comparing Northern Lights with Other Famous Strains

orthern Lights doesn’t just stand out in the grow room; its potent effects, including the ability to ease chronic pain, muscle spasms, insomnia, and depression, have made it a standout among users as well.

The strain’s fast flowering time is also a noteworthy feature. Most Northern Lights plants reach maturity in six to eight weeks, outpacing many renowned cannabis strains. This rapid growth, paired with its potent effects, makes Northern Lights a preferred choice for both growers and users.

In comparison to other strains, Northern Lights indeed sparkles as a celestial entity in the cannabis cosmos. Its distinctive characteristics, from growth to consumption, set it apart, making it a strain that truly stands out in the crowd.

Northern Lights in the Market: Seed Banks and Availability

Northern Lights seeds in a seed bank

If exploring the Northern Lights strain has sparked your interest, you’ll be glad to know that its seeds are readily available from reputable seed banks. Some trusted sources for Northern Lights seeds include:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Northern Lights cannabis strain strong?

Yes, Northern Lights strain can be considered strong, with THC levels ranging from 16% to 27%. It’s not the most potent strain, but it still packs a punch.

Does Northern Lights strain make you sleepy?

Yes, it can. The Northern Lights strain is known for its relaxing and sedating effects, making it a good choice for those looking to get a good night’s sleep.

Is Northern Lights good for pain?

Yes, Northern Lights is known for alleviating pain, anxiety, insomnia, and nausea due to its sedating effects.

Is Northern Lights Haze a sativa or indica?

Northern Lights cannabis is an indica dominant strain

What makes the Northern Lights strain unique?

The Northern Lights strain is unique for its relaxing and euphoric effects, distinctive sensory profile, and therapeutic benefits, making it a popular choice among users.

Australian Cannabis Seeds: The Philosophy and Practice of Seed Collecting

Australian Cannabis Seeds: The Philosophy and Practice of Seed Collecting

Introduction: Australian Cannabis Seed collection

For cannabis enthusiasts, seed collecting is more than just a hobby. It’s a practice grounded in passion, preservation, and a desire for diversity. Particularly in Australia, the cultivation of cannabis seeds has evolved into a vibrant and intricate endeavour. In this piece, we explore the motivations behind seed collecting, the philosophy that fuels it, and the role of decentralized seed storage in the broader picture.

The Allure of Seed Collecting

Collecting cannabis seeds is about more than just acquiring different strains. It’s an exercise in biodiversity, a bid for genetic preservation, and a testament to the value of variety. Every strain, like the popular Gorilla Glue, or the classic Northern Lights offers a unique set of characteristics, from its taste and smell to its growth habits and effects.

Collectors appreciate these nuances, and through collecting seeds, they contribute to maintaining the rich diversity of cannabis strains.

Seed collecting can be an engaging and fulfilling hobby or profession for a number of reasons:

1. Connection with Nature: Seed collecting brings you close to nature. You’ll spend time outdoors, observing plants, and the changing seasons. It’s a quiet, peaceful activity that can be a form of meditation.

2. Preservation of Diversity: Seed collecting helps to preserve genetic diversity among plant species. Many heirloom varieties of crops are preserved thanks to seed collectors and banks. This genetic diversity can be crucial for future crop development and adaptation to changing climate conditions.

3. Scientific Interest: Seed collecting can provide fascinating insights into plant reproduction, genetics, and growth. Each species has unique seed structures, dispersal methods, and germination requirements.

4. Gardening & Food Security: If you’re a gardener, seed collecting allows you to propagate your favorite plants year after year, ensuring you have a reliable supply of produce or flowers you enjoy. Saving seeds from plants that do well in your local conditions can also help develop strains that are particularly well-adapted to your area.

5. Community & Heritage: Many seed collectors enjoy sharing and trading seeds with others, which can help build community and friendships. Also, preserving seeds from heritage plants can be a way of maintaining cultural traditions associated with certain crops or gardening practices.

6. Economical: Seed collecting can save you money in the long run as you won’t need to buy new seeds each season.

7. Satisfaction of Self-Sufficiency: There’s a great sense of accomplishment and self-reliance in growing plants from seeds you’ve collected yourself.

In essence, seed collecting combines elements of science, history, and art, wrapped up in an environmentally friendly and potentially socially engaging activity.

Our Philosophy Behind Seed Collecting

Our philosophy behind seed collecting is deeply tied to the principles of preservation and sustainability. As strains continue to evolve and breeders continue to experiment, the fear of losing classic, original strains grows. We aim to mitigate this by preserving a wide range of strains in their original form. In this way we maintain a “living library” of cannabis genetics that can be revisited and cultivated for generations to come. 

The Art of Collecting Cannabis Seeds

Collecting cannabis seeds requires attention to detail, patience, and a bit of botanical knowledge. Generally, collectors keep their eyes open for healthy, mature seeds from plants that exhibit desirable traits. The seeds are carefully harvested, cleaned, and then stored in a cool, dark, and dry place to maintain their viability.

Decentralized Seed Storage

One of the revolutionary concepts gaining traction in the seed collecting community is that of decentralized seed storage. This philosophy promotes the distribution of seed storage among individual collectors rather than relying on a centralized institution or seed bank. The main advantage of this approach is that it reduces the risk of losing entire collections to unforeseen disasters, disease, or human error.

The decentralization of seed storage is vital due to the following reasons:

1. Risk Mitigation: With decentralization, if one seed bank is compromised due to natural disasters, diseases, or human error, the loss does not lead to the extinction of a particular plant variety. In other words, risk is spread across various locations, reducing the potential for total loss

2. Genetic Diversity: Decentralized seed storage encourages the preservation of different plant varieties suited to unique local climates and soils, maintaining a higher level of genetic diversity. This diversity is key to resilience in the face of climate change and disease outbreaks.

3. Local Adaptation: Seeds saved and replanted over many generations in the same area naturally adapt to local growing conditions. This is essential for ensuring the future viability of crops in face of shifting climate conditions.


Collecting cannabis seeds in Australia is important business if you ask us.  Seed collectors play a vital role in preserving the genetic diversity of cannabis and ensuring its future adaptability. As we move towards an era of increased decentralization, every collector contributes to the preservation and diversity of cannabis strains, highlighting the significance of each seed in the vast tapestry of cannabis genetics. After all, it would be a sad day if our grand-kids had no access to a classic like white widow

Where to Order Weed Seeds in Australia: Introducing Sacred Seeds

Where to Order Weed Seeds in Australia: Introducing Sacred Seeds

Weed Seeds Australia: A Consistent Challenge for Collectors and Enthusiasts

If you’ve been wondering where to order weed seeds in Australia, you’re not alone. With the rise of cannabis cultivation, more Australians than ever are searching for high-quality, feminised seeds. But finding a reliable source can be a daunting task.

Perhaps you’ve already tried, done the google searches, trawled the forums. Most of the time, you may have noticed, people will point you in the direction of companies that may pretend to be local, but are actually just shipping from overseas. 


Getting weed seeds into Australia: The Issue with Overseas Companies

Most companies claim to be Australian but are actually importing from overseas. This often results in long waits (sometimes several weeks) and the risk that your package may not arrive. Additionally, the quality of the seeds can vary significantly, leading to potential disappointment and wasted time. The further they have to travel, and the longer they take to arrive, generally speaking, the lower quality the seeds will be. 

Sacred Seeds: Quality, Speed, and Reliability


Sacred Seeds stands out in this confusing marketplace. As a truly Australian-based company, we ship directly from Australia, ensuring you receive your seeds in just 3-6 days. No more waiting weeks for a package that may or may not arrive.

Our focus is on sourcing the highest quality strains, prioritising feminised seeds for their reliability and superior results. Each strain we offer, such as our Jack Herer feminized seeds, and Purple Glam Kush feminized seeds, have been carefully selected for their genetics, unique characteristics and growth potential. We put a lot of effort into making sure the seeds are of the highest quality. 

The Sacred Seeds Advantage: Value for Money 

Not only do we offer speed and quality, but our prices are highly competitive. We believe that accessing quality cannabis seeds shouldn’t break the bank. The more you buy the more the cost per seeds comes down. We also offer regular promotions, so make sure you sign up to our newsletter. 


So, if you’re trawling the internet, wondering where to order weed seeds in Australia, look no further. Check out our reviews, to see what our customers are saying.

Of course, if you don’t mind waiting 5 weeks for a package from Europe that may or may not make it through, then go with the other companies. 

Sacred Seeds is your trusted source for feminised, high-quality cannabis seeds coming to you from within Australia. Experience the difference of fast shipping, great prices, and seeds that deliver. Order today and join our community of satisfied growers. Check out all our seeds here.


weed seeds australia